We are a group of volunteers who are passionate about the library and its service to our community. Join us and support the Athens-Clarke County Library.

Become a Friend Today! 

An independent nonprofit, we support the library by raising funds, advocacy, and volunteer work.

Funds we raise help to underwrite a range of services and programs at the Athens library, including: children’s programs; teen and youth services; adult book discussions; summer reading programs; concerts and arts events; library staff continuing education; and acquisitions for special collections and equipment.

We also manage signature events, including spring and fall book sales and Family Fun Day.

As a Friend, you have opportunities to engage with the library and the community in a variety of ways.

Upcoming Events

The ACC Library has helped me share my love for reading with my son. Being a Friend of the Library is a small way of giving back to an organization that has given my family so much!

Jessica Robinson